SIPPING - IETF 65 Agenda
Chairs: Mary Barnes and Gonzalo Camarillo
Scribes: Spencer Dawkins <>

WEDENSDAY, March 22, 2006, 1300-1500, Chantilly W
1300 - 1315 15 minutes Chairs Status and Agenda Bash
1315 - 1335 20 minutes Dan Petrie
 Config Framework Split
Discussion resumed at end of the session
1325 - 1330 5 minutes Sumanth Channabasappa
Jean-Francois Mule
Use Case and Considerations for SIPPING  config
1340 - 1425 45 minutes Gonzalo Camarillo Consent Framework
1425 - 1445 20 minutes Volker Hilt Session Policies
Rohan - if you have comments on the config framework, please look at the current version - would like to get something done this week. Too late for an ad hoc, but need to continue discussions.

1445 - 1500 15 minutes Arnoud van Wijk ToIP draft-ietf-sipping-toip-04.txt

FRIDAY, March 24 9, 2006, 0900-1130, Coronado A

Time Length Discussion Leader Topic Relevant Documents
0900 - 0905 5 minutes Chairs Agenda Bash
0905 - 0920 15 minutes Robert Sparks Multiple Dialog Usages in SIP draft-ietf-sipping-dialogusage-01.txt
0920 - 0925 5 minutes Robert Sparks Limiting the Damage from Amplification Attacks in SIP Proxies draft-sparks-sipping-max-breadth-00.txt
1055 - 1105 10 minutes Miki Hasebe Race Condition Examples draft-hasebe-sipping-race-examples-00.txt
0925 - 0935 10 minutes Byron Campen An Efficient Loop Detection Algorithm for SIP Proxies draft-campen-sipping-stack-loop-detect-00.txt
0935 - 0950 15 minutes Andrew Allen Requirements for IMS service identification Email thread 1010 - 1020 10 minutes Jonathan Rosenberg Overload Requirements draft-rosenberg-sipping-overload-reqs-00.txt
0950 - 1000 10 minutes Steffen Fries SIP Identity Usage in Enterprise Scenarios draft-fries-sipping-identity-enterprise-scenario-02.txt
1000 - 1010 10 minutes Jani Hautakorpi Requirements from SIP Session Border Control Deployments draft-camarillo-sipping-sbc-funcs-03.txt
1020 - 1030 10 minutes Salvatore Loreto Same Session Header Field draft-loreto-sipping-dialog-correlation-00.txt
Jason Fischl SIP for Media over DTLS draft-fischl-sipping-media-dtls-00.txt
5 minutes Haseeb Akhtar New SIP Headers for Reducing SIP Message Size and 3G Wireless Support in the SIP/SDP Static Dictionary for SigComp
1105 - 1110 5 minutes Peili Xu The User-registered Routable UA URL draft-xu-sipping-uruu-00.txt
1110 - 1120 10 minutes Xiao Wang Requirements for batch Subscriptions Refreshment draft-wang-sip-brs-00.txt
1120 - 1130 10 minutes Rocky Wang A method to override the barring services draft-rocky-sipping-override-barring-00.txt
SAML-CPC draft