Chairs: Gonzalo Camarillo <>, Mary Barnes WEDNESDAY, March 22, 2006, 1300-1500, Chantilly W 1.1 Chairs Status and Agenda Bash 1300 – 1315 15 minutes 10 drafts in RFC editors queue. 1.2 File Transfer in SIP 0930 - 094010 minutes Gonzalo Camarillo draft-garcia-sipping-file-transfer-mech-00.txt draft-isomaki-sipping-file-transfer-00.txt Presented in MMUSIC If no problem here, will go back to MMUSIC. No problem. 1.3 Race Condition 1015 – 1025 10 minutes Miki Hasebe Examples:draft-hasebe-sipping-race-examples-00.txt Wants this to become WG item. Approved. 1.4 Multi-transcoding Use Cases 1030 – 1035 5 minutes Tae-Gyu Kang draft-kang-sipping-transc-scenario-01.txt 1.5 Config Framework Split 1315 – 1335 20 minutes Dan Petrie draft-ietf-sipping-config-framework-08.txt draft-ietf-sipping-xcap-config-00.txt draft-ietf-simple-xcap-diff-03.txt Doc split into 3. XCAP separated out. Options: 1. Profile delivery server (PDS) rejects the subscription with document path or auid which is not supported. 2. Make XCAP mandatory to implement in profile 3. PDS provides smallest profile subset that it can, includes doc path or auid. Long Discussion. Jonathan...has a problem. Should XCAP be mandatory: NO. Rest to be worked out on list. 1.6 Use Case and Considerations for SIPPING config mgmt. 1325 – 1330 5 minutes Sumanth Channabasappa Jean-Francois Mule draft-channabasappa-sipua-config-mgmt-00.txt 1.7 Consent –Based Communicatins in SIP Gonzalo Camarillo Draft- -consent-reqs-04.txt draft-ietf-sipping-consent-framework-04.txt draft-camarillo-sip-consent-method-00.txt draft-camarillo-sipping-consent-reg-event-00.txt draft-camarillo-sipping-consent-format-00.txt draft-camarillo-sipping-grant-permission-00.txt draft-camarillo-sipping-list-state-00.txt JR and Henning have major problems with using XCAP this way. Want a strong warning saying: Do NOT DO THIS! Need to separate event package from ? New revision to follow. Consent Request: Open issue: header field or part of permission document? Henning: Strong criticism, Not worth doing! Nobody speaks for it. JR says it is needed. Dean: Something is dependent on this. We need a solution. Cullen: Figure out how to do this or stop whatever requires it. Hard choice. No resolution. Kicked to list. If Nobody here plans to implement this, and nobody not here could possibly implement this, why are we discussing it? Rohan wants some work (review, ad hoc meeting??) before the Friday meeting. Work on this after the session. Henning and Gonzalo found some common ground. To go to WG. 1.8 Session Policies 1405 – 1425 20 minutes Volker Hilt draft-hilt-sipping-session-policy-framework-01.txt draft-hilt-sipping-policy-package-01.txt draft-ietf-sipping-media-policy-dataset-00.txt To the list. 1.9 Text over IP Using SIP 1425 – 1440 15 minutes Arnoud van Wijk draft-ietf-sipping-toip-04.txt Using SIP to set up a data channel for text messages for deaf people. FRIDAY, March 24 9, 2006, 0900-1130, Coronado A 1.10 Multiple Dialog Usages in SIP 1440 – 1455 15 minutes Robert Sparks draft-ietf-sipping-dialogusage-01.txt Will be revised and then WGLC. 1.11 Limiting the Damage from Amplification Robert Sparks Limit number of concurrent branches that can be added downstream. Discussion, lack of understanding, deferred to list. 1.12 An Efficient Loop Detection Algorithm for SIP Proxies 10 minutes Byron Campen draft-campen-sipping-stack-loop-detect-00.txt Each node has an assigned node value. Loop value inserted into a sorted stack. Check for loop. This area was a major source of bugs in previous implementations (SIPIT trials). To the list. Backpressure from Jonathan. Rohan wants to either kill it or really do it. Not many (5) are willing to make a decision. To the list. 1.13 Communication Service Identifier Andrew Allen Standardized Services have been defined by various bodies. Overload Requirements 0920 – 0930 10 minutes Jonathan Rosenberg draft-rosenberg-sipping-overload-reqs-00.txt Problem, more congestion, more work, ==> disaster! Real problem in deployed networks. Some question about interpretation of 503. Different interpretations yield different problems but no real solution at this time. Should be worked on with high priority. Loud hum in support of this work. 1.14 Identity Usage in Enterprise Scenarios 0905 - 09105 minutes Steffen Fries SIP draft-fries-sipping-identity-enterprise-scenario-02.txt rewritten since IETF64. Using MIKEY-RSA-R Jon: clearer than previous version. Move all security work to RAI Area WG or SIP? Will get back to Steffen.. 1.15 Requirements from SIP Session Border Control Deployments 0910 - 092010 minutes Jani Hautakorpi draft-camarillo-sipping-sbc-funcs-03.txt Authors call for more input. Hum in favor of working this issue. Yes. 1.16 Same Session Header Field 0940 - 095010 minutes Salvatore Loreto draft-loreto-sipping-dialog-correlation-00.txt 3rd party call control. More complicated. Worth doing? Some people don’t think so. To the list. 1.17 SIP for Media over DTLS 0950 - 100515 minutes Jason Fischl draft-fischl-sipping-media-dtls-00.txt 1.18 3G Wireless Support in the SIP/SDP Static Dictionary for SigComp 1010 - 10155 minutes Haseeb Akhtar draft-akhtar-sipping-header-reduction-00.txt draft-akhtar-sipping-3g-static-dictionary-00.txt Wants Post Dial Delay < 4 seconds. Push to beep < 1 sec. Need shorter messages. But everyone wants 42 additional incredibly useful features! (smaller bits??!) Achieves 50% compression on first invite? Could not get enough compression to achieve desired goals. Someone claims better compression. Someone else also considers 50% too pessimistic. Ben Campbell: Let’s look at SIGCOMP and possibly fix it before going to something else. 1.19 The User-registered Routable UA 1035 - 10405 minutes Peili Xu URLdraft-xu-sipping-uruu-00.txt 1.20 Requirements for batch Subscriptions Refreshment 1.21 1040 - 105010 minutes Xiao Wang draft-wang-sip-brs-00.txt 1.22 A method to override the barring services 1100 - 111010 minutes Rocky Wang draft-rocky-sipping-override-barring-00.txt