Tuesday 5/25/2004

Interim meeting of SIP/SIPPING Working Groups


Notes for first half day:


Blue Sheet announcement

Note Well announcement

Lunch today, funded by Nokia, at 12:00

Agenda bashing

9:00-10:30: KPML

10:30-11:00 GRUU

11:00-12:00 SessionPolicies

12:00-13:00 – Lunch

13:00-14:30 SessionPolicies Continued

14:30-15:30 Exploders

Changes: none


KPML, Martin Dolly, AT&T

Slides summarize updates to the -03 document, and discussion since it was submitted


Comments/issues with KPML document:


GRUU, Jonathan Rosenberg, dynamicsoft

Mostly done with spec.  Lots of pending documents have normative refs to GRUU.

Pending changes from IETF-59: have been entered into the draft

Remaining issues:


Session Policies, Volker Hilt, Lucent

(starting at 11:35, will adjourn for lunch at 12 and get back to this topic after lunch)


Session-Independent Policies


Session-specific policies, draft-hilt-sipping-consider-policy-00