Draft: draft-niemi-sipping-event-throttle-07 Reviewer: Hisham Khartabil Review Date: 3 February 2009 Review Deadline: Status: Pre-WGLC Comments: ------------- - Section 3 talks about presence, location and tracking applications. I was confused reading those sections the first time thinking the presence application sits on the server. Can you replace the word "application" with "client"? As a suggestion, I would say the whoel document needs to be updated with this suggestion - Section 3.2 talks about filters. A reference is needed to filters RFC. Also, more text is needed around how this Force extention overrides a filter criteria and why would someone set a filter only to override it with a Force. - Figure 1 needs to be modified to show how filters are affected - Section 4.3: Need to expand on how the client can reject the notifier's adjusted intervals? - I think its a good idea to talk about how a notifier can suggest to the client the throttling mechanism and throttle interval without the client asking for it. At least the draft can talk about how if a notifier has a policy to limit notifications according to admin throttling settings, those can/cannot be applied without the client requesting them. That's something that we need to decide, although it is difficult to mandate that a notifier cannot apply throttles unless it is asked to do so. - "average" I dont understand what that is? is it the average interval between notifications sent so far? How is that value decided? is average the wrong word to use here. More explanation is needed.