Notes, SIP WG Interim May 2002, Day 1 Morning Session

Reported by AC Mahendran

Agenda/Logistics: (9:00am)


·        Rohan gave introduction. Encouraged everyone to buy shirts.

·        Note well.

·        Passed the Blue Sheets (white in color).

·        Indicated that Network Connectivity will be available in the afternoon.


I.                   Multiparty Apps framework and Conferencing Requirements: (Dan Petrie/Orit L)


A) CC Framework draft (Presentation by Dan)



Issues in framework draft:

·        Too large and need context of primitive operations?

·        Idea proposed to split the conferencing parts

1.      Requirements

2.      Primitives

3.      Service examples


Brian: Draft is good. Needs to be sliced. URI needs to be pulled out. Conferencing/URI needs slicing.

Rodney: We need to see how it inter-works in relation with SIP call package.

Collin Jennings: REFER/Re-INVITE can be used to implement a lot of these. Refer preferable.



·        There was a lunch BOF for conferencing at Minneapolis.

·        Requirements design team formed at BOF

·        Produced Requirements document for conferencing

·        Model is important for terminology and hence produced.



·        Need to split the draft.

·        We need to discuss about this more on the mailing lists.


B) Conferencing Requirements presentation (Orit, Levin)


(Orit)Outline of draft:

·        Hierarchal Applications (signaling model)

·        SIP Start Conference App

·        SIP Star Real Time Multimedia conferencing


(Orit)Reasons for hierarchal model:

·        Means to describe reality

·        A basis for terminology Definition

·        A means to understand each others requirement

·        Means to describe and classify requirements


(Orit)Hierarchal App Model

Eg: Meta application can have two types for eg: SIP Voice conferencing & White Board (T.120 based). SIP Voice conferencing can have Media control and Voice/Data plane


Rohan: Technology terms don’t look familiar unlike other drafts. Why not use standard terms like conference?

Orit: Could not find definition for SIP conference anywhere. What is it?

Jonathan: This doesn’t look like Requirements spec.

Joerg Ott: I don’t agree with the model.


SIP Star Conferencing App (Orit)

Main Requirements:

·        Tight conference control

·        Pre arrange and spontaneous conference

·        Center participant will be able add and disconnect SIP based participants


Rohan: is it one per media type or one per conference?

Orit: not talking about media type

Dan: We are talking about SIP center and not about media


SIP Star RT Multimedia Conference App (Orit)

·        SIP Star Conf app with one or more RT media planes

·        RT Media plane established by SDP means

·        Should contain media control sub apps

·        May have data planes that are not RT media planes


Dan: Presentation space is similar to conference space (trying not to be voice specific)

Jorge: In this case, is the center participant is a UA?

Orit: Yes


Rohan: In CC framework a media mixer is not a contributor.

Orit: This model doesn’t preclude a media mixer to be a contributor.

Allison: Is end system mixer a part of model?

Orit: Yes


Henning: Important part is control aspect. Here, media process idea doesn’t add much to clarity.

Henning: This is not AVT group.

Dan: We need to agree on terminology.

Dean: No one understood the document.

Jonathan: What is role of these terminologies? Need to read half the document to get the first requirement.

Jonathan: We should use concepts available today and add to them, instead of defining everything top-down, as specified.

Rohan: We need more concrete examples and motivations for accepting things specified in the document.

Orit: I agree

Henning: Idea is keep H.232/ISUP etc at arms length from SIP. We don’t have any experience in T.120 and I don’t want to hear it again.

Jonathan: Agree with Henning.

Rohan: This needs to be taken offline. Need call flows etc for interworking.



·        Terminology is very confusing; so is the draft.

·        Needs more discussion offline.

·        The spec needs to be clearer with concrete examples and motivations.


C) Henning presentation SIP Conferencing Requirements:

SIP philosophy: separate media / session signaling.

Model: (Henning)

·        Support central-control conferences.

·        Allow reuse of SIMPLE procedures.

·        Do not invent new pieces

·        Avoid conference specific profiles

·        No T.120 special case

·        No need to define requirements for things we all ready have (like conference creation, leaving etc)

·        Believe meta-app model is misguided


General Model (Henning)

·        Divide into requests and notifications (requests to do something, notification -- something happened)

·        Requests may trigger notifications if action may be delayed or partial


Jonathan: Don’t agree with statement that says “no need to define requirements for things we already have”. There are some holes that we might have to fill.

Henning: Agreed

Brian: We need to think about interoperable devices. There are too many choices for that one to work today.


Additional Items: (Henning)

·        Simplicity

·        Bandwidth frugal (Mobile)

1.      Incremental notifications & commands

2.      Selectable notification granularity

3.      Templates for privileges ---


Components identified by object manipulated: (Henning)

·        Conferences

·        Participants

·        Resources


Conference Mgmt: (Henning)

1) Create Conference (Need mass invitation etc…)

2) Delete conference (name vs resource; might not want resources to be available after conference, but names could be around for a longer time)

3) Conference properties:

User Mgmt: (Henning)

  1. cause server to invite users.
  2. expel users.
  3. list of pre-approved identities.
  4. user rights.
  5. join notifications.
  6. obtain member list.


Open issues: (Henning)

·        Separate name and resource allocation

·        Template management

  1. user lists
  2. privilege levels


Eric: After looking at both the presentations, I feel “Whole thing is out-of-scope”. Feel it is implementation dependent.

Rohan: At least, it is reasonable to consider standardization. We need more detail to figure which is out of scope.

Jonathan: Need to agree on a framework for standardization.

??: Interoperability between UAs is clearly in scope.


Rohan: Authors take a look at conferencing model draft and comment on where things break.

Henning: confused what are the next steps:

Rohan: get issues out on the list. One person should be responsible for collecting responses and summarizing it.


Brian: Lets solve a small problem and then worry about bigger problems: Like ad-hoc conferencing issues.

Jonathan: Multiparty Conferencing draft discusses it. However, it misses things like mass invites.

Brian: Take conferencing document and complete it.

Jonathan: We needed requirements for that document.


Henning: Need consensus on where it is out of scope or not.

Rohan: it is easy to identify which is out-of-scope than which is within scope. We need to do that first.


Highlights for the Conferencing Requirements:

·        Get the issues out on the list. One person should be responsible for collecting responses and summarizing it.

·        Authors need to look at the conferencing models and comment on where things break.

·        Need to discuss the scope of the problem clearly.

·        Complete the Multiparty Conferencing draft.



II. REFER / Replaces / cc-transfer / service examples (11:30am).


A) REFER: (Robert Sparks)


Refer 02 was split into multiple drafts:

·        REFER without referred-by.

·        New mime types draft.

·        Referred-by draft.


Next steps:

·        Finish referred-by draft.

·        Integrate changes into cc-transfer draft.


Henning: What was motivation for having message/sipfrag instead of message/sip?

Robert: To prevent a lot of headers


Robert: The current plan is to send the Referred-By header as a S/MIME encoded body.

Robert: In body part there will be sipfrag which contains referred-by header with value of the referrer.

Henning: worried about cut and paste of this signature? Security issues !

Robert: Need to address it.

Jon: Other alternative is to send the REFER to another entity which can add the SMIME body.

Brian: Do we need Referred-by header?

Robert: Since there are implementations which use Referred-by, we need to use the same header name. Other than that, I have no preference for the header.

Robert: can be used by people who don’t want to interpret SMIME body.


Henning: Body should contain meta-data for what it is represents.

Henning: What about case with multiple refers?

Henning: try to make some correlation between some header and body part to identify the body part.


Andy: We need service examples in the paper.

Henning: We need section in paper to talk about issues when in areas where there is no synchronization in time.


Jon: We need to specify min set of headers that need to be present in the body. Others may or may not be present.

Brian: since there are multiple parties the synchronization problem is more.

Jon: Don’t see a problem with that.


Andy: What error message do we tell the user of there is a clock sync problem?

Robert: Just say “piece of info can’t be verified or is stale”


Robert: Refer in last call.

Robert: Referred-by will be done this week or next week.


Next Steps:

·        Complete cc-transfer

·        Complete Referred-by draft.

o       Address security issues

o       Provide service examples

o       Meta-data to understand what the body refers to

o       Correlation between header and appropriate body (especially, when the request is REFERed multiple times)

o       Paper needs to talk about the time synchronization problem


B) Replaces draft – Rohan:


Rohan: took over draft from Billy Biggs.

Rohan: people were wondering whether “Replaces” can replace early dialog. Could not find any technical problems for replacing early dialogs.


Forking proxies problem: Is this going to be useful?

Jonathan: Strong objections. Assuming refer triggered invite hits the same proxy,  proxies have to do things they have never done before.

Rohan: Propose to the list to remove proxy functionality and will go down some path to match forking logic at later time.


Jonathan: what about security issues. It is actually modifying the call of a third party and hence there is an authorization issue.

Jonathan: Must be a capability in the draft to authorize replace

Rohan: Will do.



·        Security issues need to be addressed in the document.

·        Forking proxies problem needs to be addressed (removed?)


C) CC-transfer

Robert:  CC transfers needs to be updated with refer changes & some security considerations.


D) Service Examples (Alan)


Changes in the latest version of the draft: (Alan)

·        Added subscribe/notify using dialog event package

·        Single line extension flow

·        Added auto callback flow

·        Changed to require “replaces” instead of “Accept-contact”


Open issues:

Single line extension:

·        One subscription using forking to get to N agents vs N-1 subscriptions without forking

·        Requires invite with join primitive


Alan: join is a separate draft not a working group item

Jonathan: Dint know we needed a join primitive for single line extension


Rohan: explained about Jonathan’s idea of Globally routable URI.

After this, there were some discussions on the need for Globally routable URIs.


Next Steps:

·        Need to discuss this on the mailing lists.


Break for lunch.


updated 08 May 2002 19:05 -0500