Session 1 notes, SIPPING, IETF 58

by Brian Rosen

SIPPING Tuesday morning sesssion notes (by Brian Rosen)

Status of Work
Overlap is RFC3578
Lots of other drafts in WGLC & IESGLC
Milestone reset is coming (details Thursday)
Decide what to do with MSCML - no opinions, proceed as individual informational
Q.SIG - no comments at WGLC, directed review comments have been incorporated
there are some security related concerns remaining, Rohan to propose
jp - lots of drafts don't reference identity solutions, a "blank check" would be fine
Text Chat - manyfolks-sipping-tiop-00, please read
sIP/RADIUS discussion in RADEXT

Application Interaction
Jonathan Rosenberg draft-ietf-sipping-app-interaction-framework-00.txt
Big rewrite, big issue, how to deliver DTMF
Two UI types - presentation capable and presentation free
Two mechanisms, REFER with REFER-TO containing HTTP uri to get script
SUBSCRIBE to UA, SUBSCRIBE body has KPML, NOTIFY with "digits"
Don't need App-Info
GRUU needed in both cases
Don't need special authentication, can use normal SIP means
App sessions terminate with dialog
Solves (one big) forking problem
If consensus, will need one more cleanup rev, but otherwise done
cj - names are weird, just say there are two mechanisms
jr - need guidance on when to use one over the other
ol - also agree no black/white line
jr - SuBSCRIBE/NOTIFY won't work for HTTP
eb - names are an artifact of when the next thing happens.
jr - will work on the language
rm - orit doesn't want to prohibit fetching of scripts in some other way
and still use KPML. Just use 'SHOULD'
ol - example UA doing remote control of an app
jr - that is pretty far off the scope, for example security mechanisms assume
all entities are on the call path
rm - could get GRUU from dialog package, and thus not on the call path
jr - concerned about interoperability
jp - what kind of exclusivity does the framework provide? Don't need so much
exclusion of use
Chair - hum for two mechanisms with recommendations on how to use
result: strong consensus

Event Package for DTMF Signals
Joe Zebarth draft-zebarth-sipping-dtmfad-00.txt
Needed something for DTMF to implement prepaid calling card soon. Want an Event Package.
Need an RFC to register it, thus this work.
Sees this as complementary to KPML, because it moves the processing intensity from
the Notifier (KPML) to app server (dtmfad)
Want an Informational to get the IANA registration of the package
eb - more than processing difference, it's different in how low level events are
handled (eg multiple events per digit)
chair - two issues, are there technical issues with the draft, and is this good
for sip
rs - issue is whether this is a good idea, then deal with the technical issues
cj - processing difference is a drop in the bucket
jr - completely overlaps with standards track documents, and thus needs to show
there are technical problems with the standards track work to be progressed
Also, we have resolved KPML issues, so timing isn't a factor any more
am - could we have a liason from T1 specifying time frame requirements
kd - this is an individual submission, there is a process, only issue is does this
fit the process
br - appeal to T1 to work with us to get one solution, but if they want it,
lots of examples in IETF of work duplicating standards track

0935 Key Press Stimulus Protocol
Eric Burger
remove href, added MSCML tag attribute
Addressing Stream of Interest - SUBSCRIBE on dialog is, harder for 3rd parties
is SUB/NOT the right model? Speak Now!
Is SDP addressing okay?
3 ways to specify digit map, all required
cj - 3 ways is too many
rm - not okay to require support for 3 mechanisms
?? - can we have names for styles, with ACCEPT...
take to list
jd - 3rd parties are hard, security issues..., changes framework
eb - Immediate Notify, with empty body, everyone okay? no objection

Conferencing Design Team Report
Alan Johnson draft-ietf-sipping-conference-package-02.txt
One more rev for consistancy, then WGLC. Will need alignment with GRUU
Changes to conf package
Remove pkg parms
remove ptrs to xcon stuff
remove dialog info
align media stream info with SDP, including SSRC
Status enhanced with activity and history
Added sidebar roster (one level)
There will be a sidebar draft, but probably an xcon document
jr - how does sidebar interact with framework doc
aj - need lots of detail, will summarize for framework

Transcoding Design Team
Gonzalo Camarillo

Two models, 3pcc model and conference bridge model
Framework and 3pcc model ready to make WG items, still working
on conference bridge model
chair - humm for adding milestones for this work including conf bridge model
result: strong consensus
chair - humm adopt framework doc as WG item
result: strong consensus
chair - humm adopt 3pcc doc as WG item
result: strong consensus
kd - clarify that conference bridge model is agreed part of adopted work
chairs - yes, will be a milestone, just that the design team document is not yet
ready to be adopted as a WG item

Emergency Calls Design Team
Tom Taylor
Henning has some drafts on requirements and marking emergency calls
Taylor has draft on terminating sip emergency call in existing systems
Identifying calls - probably sos@localdomain
must distinguish between regular and hearing impaired ECCs
Routing - depends on caller location
Presenting location to the ECC
current system uses calling party number to determine location
PSTN may determine calling party number based on incoming circuit
Presenting callback number
Preventing nuisance calls

Solutions depend on applications scenario

Where to go from here
How to carry loc info in SIP
jp - other forms of intermediaries could influence it
rm - motivate why intermediares need to insert location
tt - Scenarios described in the draft where this comes from
hs - two examples - phones without emergency support, and phones not
recognizing emergency call.
routing is harder, b2bua....
if you are making proposals, handle all the problems
identify the call as emergency
get location
route to psap based on location
jp - emergency calls could be handled by something very special, who cares
what you call it
hs - want to use existing sip, not something special
br - NENA has two wg working on this, will input requirements into SIPPING
for protocol work
rm - NENA is North America, but is soliciting input from others
?? - Don't forget hearing impaired users

Event Package for User Configuration Profiles
Dan Petrie draft-ietf-sipping-config-framework-01.txt

Compare this to simple XCAP
Goal is to be independent of delivery protocol
Token represents the profile (uri in xcap)
Multiple profiles may be associated with the token
Profiles and deltas provided via content indirection
jr - can't we get these more aligned? Does the target include wireless?
an - should be separate packages
chair - who else has an opinion?
jr - maybe a conference call to resolve
an - is xcap the universal answer? There are other protocols
dp - goal was to be protocol agnostic
ol - no problem with 2 packages, problem with xcap. Need to
standardize the schema. Shouldn't limit to xcap schema.
ms - wireless has lots of devices, don't want sip only mechanisms

security AES encrypt profile ?MUST?
MAY use basic/digest authentication over https
MAY use client cert
rm - okay to MUST on HTTP authentication, also need something for
insecure protocols
am - need a MUST IMPLEMENT
chair - have conf call, take to list

Intermediary Session Policies in SIP
Volker Hilt
<sorry, fell behind>
Session Dependent Issues
Should we use preconditions
Subsequent offer/answer
Two party consent vs one part consent
requires 3 pass policy exchange
gc - don't need discovery - one party is ok
jr - two pass model is okay
rm - don't like reinventing SDP in headers, need a reasonable way for proxy
to modify SDP
jr - don't agree we have reinvented SDP
chair - humm for send docs to sip
result: stong negative

Reason Header for Preemption
James Polk
Progress as individual draft

Location Conveyance Requirements
Brian Rosen
Changes - body, not header
New emergency rqts
self signed certs
how to import geopriv security wording and meet rqmts
probably okay with S/MIME must implement,
TLS/IPSEC hop by hop for some scenarios
chair - humm for milestone
result: strong consensus
humm for adopt this doc as start point
result: strong consensus
kd - need to look at requirements, revisit header vs body
jp - 3261 doesn't prohibit proxies from looking at bodies
yes, means multipart will become a must

Transfer Issues
Dan Petrie
aj - good issues, want to