Notes SIPPING Session 1

Reported by Brian Rosen

SIPPING Monday Morning Session  - notes by Brian Rosen
Note new IETF RFCs on Intellectual Property

Angenda Bash
Status of Work
Lots of drafts through/going through last calls and publication
Relatively up to date on existing milestones
Lots and Lots of new items
complaints abound on not being open to new ideas
but we are trying to "finish"
Need to discuss how to proceed (push through/reorg/split/...)
hgs- need more schedule, esp between meetings
jr - lack of focus, maybe force folks to work on other stuff b4 we
take up their work
ar - that will further alienate newbies

Event Package for Configuration Profiles
Dan Petrie draft-ietf-sipping-config-framework-02.txt
Chngs from prior version
add stuff to support xcap-package
Named Profiles (device, user and now "local network")
hgs - some configs may not be associated by MAC/AoR kinds of identifiers
there may not be an identifier
jr - yes, consider local emergency numbers. Consider concrete scopes
rm - there are some kinds of identifiers for hs' concerns
dp - Enumerate processes for bootstrap - get device, register (to get AoR)
then get AoR configs

Session Policies
Volker Hilt draft-hilt-sipping-session-indep-policy-00.txt
Additional Reading draft-ietf-sipping-session-policy-req-01.txt
Who provides policies for which scope (home/local AoR, local network)
Can the event package of profile delivery framework be used
cj - how do you differentiate policies from config data?
vh - doesn't matter, propose to use same delivery mechanism
hgs - semantic argument, who cares. Just group in packages, call it what
you like
gc - agree, they are the same thing, align the mechanisms
vh - Keep XML policy format, deliver with profile delivery mechanism
gc - Do more alignment, then adopt as wg item
jr - Its a three way alignment problem xcap package, this, config framework
dp - Need to write up how to define a schema

Specific Policy Two models, "piggyback" and "redirect"
Piggyback low setup delay, few messages, but traverse entire network
Redirect - reject INVITE, supply policy URI
local polices stay local reuses session indep mechs but lots
of transactions to cascade rejects
gc - like new model
rm - worried abt big hdrs for MIO/MFO, use bodies
cj - everything in SDP is needed in policies, slippery slope to define hdrs
eb - wants to see same formats btwn session indep and session specific
jr - likes headers, don't think its all SDP.
gc - its not all of SDP. Security issues abound. Redirect makes the
end to end.
?? - firewall needs IP addresses, encryption becomes problematic
jp - users need control. Redirect allows UA to at least review the policies

0945 The dialog package
Rohan Mahy draft-ietf-sipping-dialog-package-04.txt
Issues - are shared lines adequately covered?
No dissent
Author forgot to denote hold status
propose callee-caps feature tag for interactivity
jr - not sure this is a media feature tag, usually media feature is static
rm - Sometimes this does go in a REGISTER (ie static)
?? - This is an application thing, not a media thing
fa - yeah, not media
pk - agree
aj - would tag be there when you ARE or you are NOT interactive
rm - mostly, tag when you are not interactive
do - doesn't like the term interactive

0955 End-To-Middle Security
Kumiko Ono draft-ietf-sipping-e2m-sec-reqs-01.txt
jrp = location for emergency calls may not be a good use case
hgs = If data is needed for routing, you don't know which proxies
are used for routing, as with emergency calls, so hard to use this
jp = location outside of emergency calls really would be a good use case

Should there be a rqmt for proxy ability to delete data for the proxy
Two proposals, header pt to body, or content disp
cj - Likes option 1
jr - thinks Content Disp is inappropriate
gc - Ad Hoc mtg Tue 9:00 Overlap of emerg, this draft, security...

Real-Time Text Conversation Using SIP
Arnoud van Wijk draft-manyfolks-sipping-toip-01.txt
Talking abt character-by-character real time text (RFC2793)
rm -D
dw - Do we include text in our work on e.g. conferencing
no opposition
jr - don't see why there is anything special abt text gateways,
and nothing special abt text at all
aj - send scenarios to xcon. Need to mention in framework

QSIG SIP Call Transfer
Jean-Francois Rey draft-rey-sipping-qsig2sip-transfer-00.txt
Couple of open issues, and need more work on call transfer mapping
rm - chairs propose to address sip related open issues, but not
take on as SIPPING wg item

S/MIME Certificates in SIP
Cullen Jennings draft-jennings-sipping-certs-02.txt
jp - is this conflated with identity, might be problematic if so
cj - doesn't assert "this is alice". Does get you key of who you
are talking to
jr - because uses digest auth to get b's cert, its the same thing
jp - if that's true, then we have to compare approaches
jr - don't want to have 2 ways to do identity
dw - There is a heirarchy of identity and cert dissemination, maybe these
are really complimentary
jp - Identity needs more work. Like the idea of getting rid of S/MIME.
Worries this puts too much burdon on UA
jr - Wants to keep working. We need a deployable solution.

RTCP Summary Report Event Package
Alan Johnston draft-johnston-sipping-rtcp-summary-02.txt
Doc now has actual package + example
?? - Other people working on this, maybe get others involved
hs - Nothing else does what this does
dw - Do we need anything else but a package (ie no other SIP work)
do - this instruments rtp. Extensible to all rtp
am - Can't create new data structures, or it does involve management
Can't really change how RTCP works, or we do have to involve others
aj - no, this is just when you deliver the notify
hs - this draft needs to explain why it is different from RMON

State Update
John Elwell and Cullen Jennings

Elwell State update issues, how do we solve it, update 3261/3311 or new
Jennings - names are a big issues
Allow Proxy to change from/to or add a tag
or New Header (Name). Claim PAI doesn't work because can't pass
between trust domains
jp - Doesn't think a new header will help. More likely identity stuff is
the way to go.
cj - Can't fix without some security, none of the existing headers work
am - Why doesn't Contact Display Name work?
cj - Need a uri (AoR) as well as a string
jp - Need more requirements
an - Nicknames in conferences are related

hgs = Henning Schultzrinne
jr = Jonathan Rosenberg
ar = Adam Roach
rm = Rohan Mahy
dp = Dan Petrie
cj = Cullen Jennings
vh = Volker Hilt
eb = Eric Burger
jp = Jon Peterson
gc = Gonzalo Camarillo
dw = Dean Willis
fa = Francois Audet
pk = Paul Kyzivat
aj = Alan Johnson
do = Dave Oran
jrp = Jim Polk
hs = Henry Sinnreich
am = Allison Mankin
an - Aki Niemi