Minutes of TISPAN ad-hoc meeting at IETF 63 Organized by the SIPPING WG Minutes edited by Gonzalo Camarillo Based on notes by Tom Taylor Meeting chaired by Gonzalo Camarillo TUESDAY, August 2, 2005, 1815-1945 Topic: TISPAN requirements Discussions led by: Denis Alexeitsev Relevant documents: draft-jesske-sipping-tispan-analysis-00.txt draft-jesske-sipping-tispan-requirements-01.txt draft-jesske-sipping-etsi-ngn-reason-00.txt draft-garcia-sipping-etsi-ngn-p-headers-00.txt Slides presented included in the proceedings The purpose of this ad-hoc meeting was to get a common understanding of the requirements developed by the TISPAN folks. The decision about how to move forward was to be made in the SIPPING session, not during this ad-hoc. The following services are within the scope of the requirements: Anonymous Communication Rejection Terminating Indication Presentation Advice of Charge Call Completion on Busy Subscriber CCBS CCNR MCID Communication Diversion Issue: ACR There is a need to return a reason code in some scenarios. Two possibilities would be to allow Reason header fields in responses or to use warning codes in warning header fields. It was noted that this service would only be available if the callee supports this extension. It was noted that if new general status codes are needed, they should be defined. If eventually, we ran out of them, we could find ways to extend the status code space. If what is needed is to have more details within a given status code, Warning entries can be used for that. Issue: ACR override It was noted that this is not really about overriding policies, but about defining the policy properly. That is, the policy would be "the police can call me even if my phone is in not-disturb mode". The way the service is described at this point is confusing. Issue: Terminating Indication Presentation The called party needs to provide an identity to the calling party. There is a need to clarify whether the information needs to be verifiable or not and whether this is about response identity or the identity of the connected party. In the latter case the solution could be based on requests carrying the information, and not on responses. Issue: Advice of Charge An indication of charging info within an active session is needed. It should be available for MESSAGE requests as well as INVITE-initiated sessions. More work on the requirements is needed before solutions can be discussed. Issue: Communication Completion on Busy Subscriber There is a requirement that the caller is able to know whether or not the callee returning an error response (e.g., 486 Busy) supports the dialog event package. There is a number of issues with the queueing policy at the called party for sequential notifications. This may be a general issue to work on. It was noted that designing solutions for all the requirements may take a longer time than what TISPAN expects (i.e., the end of the year). The meeting ended and most of the people went to the social event. Discussions on how to move forward took place in the SIPPING session.