add: * do we discuss UA treatment of a contact if it doesnt have gruu flag (Paul) * do we need more clarification on lifetime of gruus - gruus not assigned by registration Jonathan Rosenberg wrote: > * Its too complicated (Dean, Ekr) > - remove properties discussion? > - remove figure 3? > - remove some use cases? > - rewrite overview? > - total flush, rewrite, and kill the editor > * Lack of generality in grid/opaque design. Way for a more generic > demux? (ekr) > * retargeting, forwarding services applied to gruu? Is this policy or > protocol requirements? > * All of Robert's issue mails: > - GRUU as a header and a URI param > - statefulness required? > - in vs. out of dialog retargeting > * When to apply GRUU - is at always? Roberts comment. > * Determining whether a request is mid-dialog or not, to apply service > treatment (and other things) - how to do that? (Robert) > * Deans comments on whether gruu needs to be explicitly flagged or not > * Xavier's alternative proposal on To modification > * home/edge proxy terminolgy - where to define, how to define > * bit about outbound proxies and what GRUU to use - comments that this > is confusing > * applicability of record-routing languages in basic trapezoid case > * anonymity of gruus > * Altenative gruu construction algorithm from ekr > * SIP/SIPS text - should we say anything about SIPS? COnsolidate SIPS > processing? > * tel URI handling (Andrew) > * GRUU/AOR URI equivalence - an issue? (Dale) > * Escaping allowed in GRUU contact header param? (Dale) > * do we need client generated insteance ID (Aki)